Faculty of Mathematics welcomed and worked with Prof. Peter Maass, University of Bremen, Germany

Monday morning on August 22, 2022 Faculty of Mathematics welcomed and worked with Prof. Peter Maass, Dean of the Department of Industrial Mathematics at the University of Bremen, Germany. Professor Peter Maass is a famous expert in Germany in the fields of: Machine Learning, Signal and Image Analysis in Life Sciences, Computational Engineering, System Theory and Parameter Determination… At the talk , Prof. Peter Maass introduced the research directions of the group, exchanged information about the problems that can be researched with the lecturers of the Department of Mathematics. On behalf of the Department of Mathematics, Dr. Pham Quy Muoi – Dean of Faculty, thanked Prof. Peter Mass for useful information as well as gave him an introduction to the Faculty’s training programs, the research orientations of faculty members that may be suitable for exchange and cooperation.

Also in the morning, at 10:00 am in Hall A5, Prof. Peter Maass presented the seminar “A mathematicians approach to neural networks for solving 2×2 matrix equations” at Hall A5. The reporter helps students understand the ideas and methods of solving 2×2 matrix equations. Knowledge to know is to solve a system of linear equations consisting of 2 equations, 2 unknowns, and find the eigenvalues ​​and eigenvectors of the corresponding coefficient matrix. The ideas and methods presented by the Professor are easily developed to solve more complex problems such as differential equations, partial differential equations, integral equations, etc.
